Friday 14 September 2018

Recycling is Essential.

This is my writing it is a draft at the moment I am still working on it but here it is.

              Recycling is Essential.
                                               By Adi.
I strongly believe that recycling is essential because it helps save the environment. If you don’t recycle then the rubbish the we leave will enter the ocean and kill tons of wildlife. If we recycle then it will stop rubbish landfalls. I guess you don’t want that to happen. Rubbish in entering our water source and contaminating it, Meaning it is poisoned and is not drinkable.  

Research says that an animal welfare charity received more than 5,000 calls last year about animals who were hurt by rubbish.
If plastic bags end up in the ocean then some wildlife will mistake the plastic bag as a Jellyfish here is a link to a photo of a plastic bag in comparison with a Jellyfish (Link.)

If everyone would recycle the world would be a better place.

I hope you understand the consequences of not recycling.

Friday 7 September 2018

Week 7 Blog Post T3.

This week we have been doing our birdhouses. We have sent the plan and we are waiting for our materials. So while we have been waiting we have been doing weeding and digging up the path. Reilly and I are weeding. we have weeded two patchs and we have 2 more patches to tidy.


This week for maths we have been learning how to solve division Integers. And we have just completed a sheet of Integers with division. Here is a Photo of my work I completed. I got 30/30.

Thursday 6 September 2018

Tie Dye

This is the tie dye Technique  I am going to do. It is called the SHIBORI Technique.
Here is a link to the google drawing: Tie Dye
The link includes A video, Photo of the T-shirt and a link to the website that teaches you how to do it.